• Lifebook Review 2020

    Lifebook 2020 – Week 6: Quality of Life & Life Vision

    This Lifebook journey is coming to an end. It’s interesting, because I was fully expecting to feel a little sad and emotional about that. I’m kind of like that sometimes. I don’t really like endings much. However, instead of feeling sad, I’ve actually been feeling a different emotion completely: Excitement. As I’ve made my way through Lifebook, I’ve found myself more and more inclined to action. Using my Lifebook tracker to keep myself accountable, and really working consciously towards my goals. Jon said in his introduction, that the last two chapters of Lifebook are really about pulling everything from the last 5 weeks together. As such, I was quite interested…

  • Lifebook Review 2020

    Lifebook 2020 – Week 5: Financial Life & Career

    Tadaaaa – it’s finally here! The Lifebook week I’ve been waiting for. John hinted at the beginning of the Lifebook course that this is the week that many participants find most rewarding. As such I had high expectations set for it. Honestly speaking, in the situation I’m currently in, I can’t really say I’ve actually got a career. Unless you count acing the school of life as a career (That should definitely be a thing FYI…). My finances are in great shape though, given my not-employed situation. However, I’m not rich, so they’ll definitely need some tending soon. I am well aware of, and at peace with, the fact that…

  • Lifebook Review 2020

    Lifebook 2020 – Week 4: Parenting & Social Life

    Week 4 of Lifebook and we’re past the half way mark already. It’s such a weird feeling. How quickly and yet slowly this program has been going. I’ve got to admit, I wasn’t too sure this week would be all that useful to me. I don’t have children, nor do I foresee having them in the near future either. I’ve got to find my man first, before that becomes a topic! I’m also pretty happy with my social life for the most part. In quarantine, I am admittedly limited to my own company and that of my roommate, physically speaking. However, I’ve got to say I quite like my own…

  • Lifebook Review 2020

    Lifebook 2020 – Week 3: Spiritual Life & Love Relationship

    So, I have a confession to make. I really really reeeeaaaaally took my time with these two chapters. It took me almost a week to move on to these chapters, from the Character chapter in Lifebook Week 2. I could tell you I was busy with other things (which is totally true). However, the reality is, I think that I hesitated. My spirituality and love relationships are two areas in my life that I am both deeply connected to, and yet also hold conflict with too. As such, it’s not surprising that there was some reluctance to move in and do the heavy emotional lifting, these areas were bound to provoke!…

  • Lifebook Review 2020

    Lifebook 2020 – Week 2: Emotional Life & Character

    I am just about to start week 5 of the Lifebook course at the moment, and I’m starting to see some interesting changes. Week 2 of this course was about Emotional Life and Character. A chapter, I at first thought I breezed through pretty easily. Weeks 3 and 4, however, being intricately connected to these two areas of life, had other plans though. You’ll see what I mean in just a moment!   Course Structure For those who haven’t been following along in this series beforehand, the Lifebook structure is very simple. You have two videos to watch, a PVPS (Premise, Vision, Purpose and Strategy) to complete, and some optional…