• Career

    A foreigner’s guide on how to find a job in Barcelona!

    It’s been a little quiet around Relocationjunkie.com recently, and that’s because I have some exciting news to share. This trusty Guiri (foreigner) just started a new job! It’s been quite an adjustment after 15 months of doing my own thing. However, it’s definitely been an interesting experience too. Getting to this point was not entirely smooth sailing though. It actually wasn’t at all a given that I would find a job here in Barcelona. In fact, to be completely transparent: I very nearly ended up leaving for Vienna 2 months back! Amazingly though, one week before my final moving decision deadline, I got hired for a job that I had…

  • Career

    Why I decided to build my own business

    You know, I’ve had a lot of different dreams for my career in my lifetime. A lot of different dreams, I tell you. There was the time I was 7 and wanted to be a veterinarian. Then I found out I can’t see blood, so that plan never panned out. At 12 years old I wanted to be a stock broker on Wall Street. I then found out a majority of them retire with severe stress and mental disorders by 30, so I shelved that idea too. When I turned 15, I thought I would become a computer games programmer. You know those awesome people who work to code and…

  • Career

    Naive musings of a wannabe author

    When I decided to go on my career break, at the end of last year, I told myself I would write a book. I’ve been writing stories since I was a young girl. I’ve been writing poems ever since I can remember. I write post upon post on Facebook too, and I’ve had blogs since around 2012. That being said I was not prepared for what it would take to write a book. Motivation I’ve been on my break now for around 2.5 months and in that time I have written two chapters. Two chapters, I might add, that are not complete chapters. They are the beginnings of what could…

  • Barcelona,  Career

    The day I quit my job to move to Spain

    I finally did it – I handed in my resignation. I can’t overemphasise how momentous this decision has been for me! When I first joined my company 4.5 years ago I truly believed I would stay with them for 20+ years. I know that may seem crazy to some, but a company the size of mine has a lot to offer. Offices located around the world, resources to support extensive travel and training, a well recognised name… I figured it had everything I needed to continuously grow myself personally and professionally for many years to come. Life had other plans though. After many months of turmoil, caused by large-scale restructuring,…

  • Barcelona,  Career

    Dear World – I’m quitting my job and moving to Spain!

    If you had you told me, one year ago, that I was going to quit my promising career and move to Spain this year – I would have laughed. Yet here I am doing exactly that. Or planning to anyways. I’m still teetering at the edge of my decision – feeling a stimulating mix of excitement, anxiety, hopefulness and disbelief. All at the same time. I’m no newcomer to moving. I have lived in seven countries already and moved within them countless times too. This time it feels different though. This time it feels like an adventure with no certain outcome. It’s the first time I am taking full responsibility…