How to get a COVID-19 antigen test for travel at Barcelona pharmacies
It’s official: COVID-19 tests are now being sold at Barcelona pharmacies across the country – yaaay! Even better, certain pharmacies in Catalonia are now also providing COVID-19 certification services. That means, you can go travel abroad with those very same pharmacy tests too. At a fraction of the price of the official COVID-19 clinics. It says so here (Spanish). Amaaaazing – right? Well… technically speaking it should be. In practice, however, these are weird times, so hold your horses. It’s actually not quite that simple. Or else I wouldn’t be writing this article for you now, would I? 😉 Before we start… One thing to mention before we start is the fact that…
My COVID-19 diagnosis, vaccine and recovery in Barcelona
For over 2 years, I was completely COVID-19 free. I have to admit, I was proud of it too. I was careful about who I went out with. Meeting new people, I also tried to limit my exposure to friends of friends, hoping this would keep me safe. Then, at the end of June this year, I decided to take one of my best friends in Barcelona to Valencia for a long weekend away. That’s when the tables may have turned… We arrived Thursday evening and she was feeling a little under the weather with a sniffle and sore throat. Friday we decided to have a relaxing day shopping in…
Buying contraceptive pills in Barcelona
Sooo, you’ve landed in Barcelona and you are planning to have some good old fashioned fun, eh? Congratulations you lucky duck! 😉 Before getting to the fun part though, you want to make sure you don’t have any “unexpected surprises” along the way, right? Very wise, very wise indeed… Not so long ago I found myself potentially being in a similar situation. That being the case, I was doing some research. You see, contraceptive pills are one of those things, where depending on the country you are in, the rules of purchase can vary drastically. In some countries they are horrendously expensive. In other countries they are specifically age restricted.…
Getting a Social Security Number in Barcelona (2020)
The time has finally come. I am going to officially start working in Barcelona soon. Likely as an autónomo (self-employed person), but very possibly as an employee too. Regardless, the one thing I need for this is my número de afiliación de la seguridad social (aka. Social Security Number). Contributing to the social security system in Spain gives you access to their social security services. These include : Public healthcare Benefits – e.g. temporary incapacity, maternity, pensions, unemployment etc. Employment re-training Rehabilitation of invalids Assistance for senior citizens I was a little wary of the process to start with, because I had no idea what to expect. The internet gives you lots…
RomaBella BCN
As you may already know, I’m kind of a big foodie. I love my food. Especially the kind of food that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside when you eat it. Another thing I love is when I walk into a new place, not expecting much, and then walk out again feeling all excited. It’s as if I just hit the jackpot! For me, RomaBella BCN was exactly one of those places. It’s one of the reasons I felt it worth sharing with you too. When I first walked into RomaBella, I wasn’t really thinking that it was anything special. I had wanted to visit once before, because…