A Year of Writing to Uncover the Authentic Self (2023)
Lesson 8: Objects
I don’t know about you dear readers, but in my experience the universe tends to have a funny way of aligning events in the most meaningful way.
Coming back to the “A Year of Writing” series after some time away, it just so happened that this “Objects” chapter aligned perfectly with my current and upcoming life events.
You see, I’m planning to move in with my boyfriend at the end of the year. A meaningful event for a number of different reasons.
One, because it’s simply an exciting thing to do. Learning how to merge your life with that of your significant other!
Two, as it’s something I haven’t personally done before and so I have absolutely no idea of what I’m really signing up for!
And finally three – it does mean that I have been raiding my cupboards and belongings lately (that seem to have become steadily more plentiful since I settled in Barcelona 4.5 years ago!) in order to see what to keep and donate moving forward.
Gone are the days that all my belonging fits into 4 suitcases it seems!
Lesson Format
I tell you what – this lesson was a fun one!
I totally wasn’t expecting what this lesson brought with it. I’m not sure if it was my mood, the fact I have a week of vacation upcoming or simply that I was feeling that strange high you get after a long day, when you’re tired, and it’s just that late time of day. However, this lesson really made me smile.
It took me through stories of my past and objects with meaning. Made me think of moments I hadn’t recalled in years. A smile spread across my face (literally) as I thought of objects and moments from my early childhood to the current day and I felt all the feels that went along with those recollections too.
The funniest thing about this lesson though was its ending. There was an exercise to write a short story from the point of view of an object that belongs to you.
I felt pretty amused when I first saw that. I’m not sure the end result will win any short-story prizes here, but in case you’re interested in reading it it went something like this…
The Story of the Snazzy Black and Golden Sunglasses
Claudia bought me today at Ale-Hop. I was waiting there on the table innocently, not knowing who was going to pick me up one day (if anyone!) and there she came strolling in. Obviously on a mission as she veered directly for our sunglasses section.
I watched her as she tried on a couple of my brothers and sisters from the “Tester” shelves. The moment she picked up my twin sister, however, I knew the chances of us going home together were pretty much 100%. You could see it, I could feel the excitement of what was coming next. She looked at my sister, tried her on once, twice, three times. Boy did they look good together (and didn’t they just know it!).
After picking me up, taking me out and putting me to the test in real sunlight, I immediately got the feeling we were going to have a great time and were starting a very long journey together.
What adventures will we go on? What more will we see and experience together? At this point only time will tell. However, I will tell you one though right now – I definitely look forward to finding out. I’m sure Instagram will keep you posted too! 😉
My Thoughts
I don’t know what it is about this exercise, but it really got me. In the best possible way. The story isn’t a masterpiece by any means, but putting myself in the shoes of sunglasses. I don’t think I could or would have ever imagined that coming from this series… and that’s what I love about it!
It’s such a simple exercise. Such an odd exercise. Also such a fun exercise…
… and if it makes you feel half as happy as it made me feel while doing it. Well then we’ll be two amazingly happy people in the world for one moment and isn’t that just totally worth taking a shot at the experience?
Feel free to share your own short stories too. I’d absolutely love to see what you come up with too.
What’s Next?
I have to say after that little twist this series has captured my interest once more. It has a funny habit of doing that. The next chapter also has the title of “How Others See You”, a topic a few friends and I were discussing just last night in fact.
As such I’ll look forward to seeing what kind of insights, reactions and thoughts that lesson provokes too!